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2017/12/29 Phoenix international iMarkets

2017/12/29 Phoenix international iMarkets - on Thursday London copper once went above 00 a ton, 10 consecutive days of gains, the longest streak since 1989. The optimistic outlook for demand, China's pollution factors & limit production and a weaker dollar boosted.
Foreign media quoted, according to people familiar with the China's largest copper producer, Jiangxi copper, where the further evaluation of pollution standards at least a week before the production.
Goldman sachs expects strong demand and rising costs will push prices higher next year.
China has their outlook and copper consumption level still is maintained, copper prices will be supported, a stronger attack on to a four-year high.
5:52 PM London time, LME copper rose 0.7%, settled at 89 a ton, once hit 12.50, the highest since January 2014
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