TsanSun Tech CO.,LTD TsanSun Tech CO.,LTD

President of Tsansun, Mr. Lin had a statement on Oct. 11, 2017

President of Tsansun, Mr. Lin had a statement on Oct. 11, 2017 for a five-year programme.

He emphasizes on 6 points:

(1)Internal harmony, teamwork and produt division;

(2)Make Tsansun as a professional processing factory for USB TYPE C, composite cable, and move towards 5G, AI, Industry 4.0, smart home

(3)Build organizational structure of the group company. Tsansun on behalf of the group company, compete for a place in the world.

(4)Encourage internal entreprenurship, train the senior cadres to start their own business, and let subsidiaries spread through the generations.

(5)Improve factory management conditions, and attract more high-quality customers to cooperate with our company.

(6)Improve employees benefits. The employees are our greatest asset.

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